Friday, January 21, 2011

Jersey Shore from 1/20/11

The Martin Luther King Jr. Day special episode of Jersey Shore ended with Snooki’s arrest for being completely wasted on the beach. JWoww is on the phone calling Snooki’s dad and she’s asking Deena what it was she was arrested for:

Jenni “What is it called, drunken indecency?”

Deena “Intoxication in the public?”

Jenni “Drunken public intoxication?”

Then apparently Snooki’s father picks and she says “Hi is this Snook’s dad?” When he says yes she’s suddenly formal with him “Hi Mr. Palozzi.” She tells Mr. Snooki Palozzi about the arrest for public intoxication. I wish she would’ve said “the public” like Deena suggested.

Totally off topic but JWoww has a nice body but she walks with a waddle like I did when I was 9 months pregnant. I wonder if those jean shorts are giving her chub rub?

The boys return home with lots of laundry. Do Ed Hardy shirts really need to be dry cleaned, pressed and hung under plastic as if they are wedding attire? And it was clearly laundry day because Pauly is wearing a laundry day outfit - fluorescent green shorts and a black tank top with a giant matching fluorescent green star on it. I’ve never seen anything like it, even in 1986. I hope he doesn’t wear that again.

So some woman calls the house from the police station and says that they can come pick “her up”. Obviously the phone call was re-enacted and the caller didn’t feel like playing along.

Now, I’ve never been arrested but I think if I spent any kind of time in a jail setting, the first thing I would do upon returning home is shower. Not sit on my bed eating eggs while the sand is creating some sort of coral reef in my cleavage.

Snooki calls her father and says that jail was a phenomenon. Oh wait, scratch that…a train wreck. Technically a phenomenon is defined as “an observable occurrence” and her arrest was clearly observed by everyone on the beach that had gathered around and now the nation of MTV viewers. However, I found this definition that seemed more fitting:

phenomenon phe·nom·e·non (fĭ-nŏm'ə-nŏn', -nən)
n. pl. phe·nom·e·na (-nə)
  1. An occurrence, a circumstance, or a fact that is perceptible by the senses, especially one in relation to a disease.
Not really sure where I’m going with that but disease & Jersey Shore seem to just go hand in hand, no?

Another observation: Deena walks like JWoww too. Maybe its a “shore” thing or they just need to get shorts that do not require walking with legs apart so the denim doesn’t irritate the vag.

These clubs they go into are like my worst nightmares. Awful music, STDs flying about and tons of people. Mike, Vinnie and Pauly have gone out with Deena. So they are now MVPD.

MVPD = Most Venomous Penis Disease
MVPD = Many Vigorous People Dancing
MVPD = Musky Vapors Preserve Dead

Ok I give up. I thought I would be able to come up with something with “venereal”. I’m still new at this blogging thing. Give me time.

Oh my god Ronnie’s doppelganger Dean aka scrubby Ronnie. Now, that’s not really fair because the real Ronnie is scrubby too. But he’s famous. So Dean is just Scrubbier Ronnie. His hair in the back looks like a clipped dog’s tail.  And I think Deena just got pregnant from the way they were dancing.
Scrubbier Ronnie also has a girlfriend named Sam. But he’s telling Deena that he’s as single as they come which is really making him more like the real Ronnie. I’m just waiting for him to look at the camera and say he uses Xenadrine.

Vinnie and Pauly are talking about Scrubbier Ronnie hooking up with Deena in the hot tub and that they should write a “politically correct” letter to Sam to let her know, so bring the thesaurus!

“Dear Sam, Ronnie hooked up with Deena in the hot tub, in lieu of, resulting in, ending up in the bed with you for the most part to the third party. You know what I mean.”

The hypothetical letter was funny but I’m really wondering if Pauly & Vinnie know that “politically correct” is different than “grammatically correct”. 

How is fist pumping a dance? What happened to actual dancing like the Running Man or the Roger Rabbit? They actually required some effort and learning.

Speaking of Roger, the girl last week thought that Roger (JWoww’s friend, not Rabbit) had a girlfriend came back saying she was mistaken and it was someone who looks just like him.

I wonder how many girls get phone calls telling them their man is cheating on them at da club at da shore but it ends up just being someone who had the same orangey-brown glow, sticky hair, wet armpits and steroidy muscles?

Snooki says doesn’t want to drink anymore. What? Cancel the show. Oh wait, she can have Pinot because pregnant people do. Wine doesn’t count I guess.

Snooki just said she was going to “double panty it” on her date with the tan Irish guy, Nick who she thinks is SO hot. I think I know what that means but I’m so grossed out by it that I can’t even type it. Also, in reference to a different hole, Snooki says she shits her pants when she’s excited. “I just had a baby in the toilet”. Fist pump that!!!

I wonder if they - “they” being New Jersey - hire someone who’s main job is to clean up puke on the Jersey Shore. All that drinking, tanning, fried food, fist pumping and rollercoasters? There’s got to be a whole lot of vomit there.

Back from her date with Roger, JWoww talks to her boyfriend Tom on the phone.  For someone who likes beefy guys, Tom sure sounds a little like he is a makeup artist in Beverly Hills.  In fact, I think he sounds like the guy last night who did Kim’s makeup with the strange toupee looking hair on The Real Housewives.

Somehow JWoww’s tears go down her face and meet up in the center of her chin and make a line straight down her neck and chest in between her boobs. I thought she was wearing one of those lariat necklaces for a second.

Note to criminals in Jersey: if you want to break into someone’s home, check under the mailbox and in the grill for the keys.

In JWoww’s case back at home, no one needed to break-in…her live-in boyfriend stole her graduation watch, hard drive and her bed. That must’ve been an awkward getaway. 

It also looks like he paid himself money from JWoww’s Paypal. Good thinking, Tom…there will never be a trail, no one will ever figure out who stole JWoww’s money. Especially if your username is JWowwfromtheJerseyShoresboyfriendTom because you know that's it.

No physical fights in this episode so that really grinds my gears. Two recaps in a row without any punching or bleeding. We do have next week’s episode to look forward to when Sammi punches Ronnie in the head but I’m looking forward to the Bad Girls Club on Monday. There will surely be some hair pulling, kicking, punching, bleeding, etc. The BGC doesn’t let me down.

As a side note – I usually forward through the commercials during Jersey Shore but since I was typing this I let it go.  Someone at MTV took marketing 101.  These are the commercials I remember
  • Trailer for a horrible Ashton Kutcher movie about friends with benefits
  • A TV show called Skins which is a remake of a British show of the same name.  If you are older than 20 and watch it you just might be a pedophile.
  • The morning after pill
  • Basically every commercial revolves around sex.

Side note 2 - When is Jennifer Aniston going to stop making stupid shitty movies and realize that the only thing she was good at was playing Rachael Greene? Brad Pitt’s women sure pick awful movies to star in because all of Angelina’s are crap except Girl Interrupted. Maybe Brad’s next partner will be Hugh Grant because he makes shitty movies too.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – Season Finale

We’ve come to the end of the Beverly Hills series. I have to admit that I was expecting more from the finale. I’m also pissed that my very first reality show recap was of an episode that normally wouldn’t even make it to the water cooler. Well, since I’m unemployed I never make it to the water cooler. I think it wouldn’t have even made it to my Facebook status. Lame.

We start off with a scene from last week in which Camille is in New York for the Tony Awards. Everyone is toasting and Camille is acting so awkward with Kelsey, I felt my face getting red for her. She keeps making it worse and then it was just SAD when she in her big red dress and Kelsey exit the limo in separate doors and the camera stayed on the empty seats as if to portray some kind of metaphor about their deteriorated marriage.

I’ve hated Camille since the first episode – four nannies, bragging endlessly, claiming she needed a surrogate because she has the shits? Ugh. But I totally felt bad for her when she was talking to her friend about Kelsey. And the doorman basically “carding” her?  Ugh. I would have puked right there. Well, I guess in Camille’s case, diarrhead right there.

She then talked to the camera about how Kelsey he kept her basically “caged”, didn’t want her to have friends, go out and do anything, work, etc. This actually could explain a lot. No wonder she acts the way she does. She’s CRAVING attention.

What an asshole the woman is to whom Kelsey is now engaged! I hope she gets IBS, too.

The thing that actually made me genuinely feel bad for her is that she didn’t go to Taylor's birthday party. She seems like she really is hurt. Had she gone to the party and argued or cried – I would have called bullshit on her sadness.

I hope she’s back for next season because once she’s over her devastation, surely she’ll be back to the cuntwaffle she was during rest of the season.

Is it just me or should grown women not have birthday parties unless they are turning 30 or 40 or have six months to live? Bass-Mouth Taylor’s nerdy husband Russell is throwing her a party on a rooftop with a raffle and stuff.  We never end up seeing said raffle which made me sad because I wanted to see what kind of raffle rich people have. My kind of raffle is where you can win a 30 pack of Coors Light.

Russell has a stick up his ass. She obviously married for money because they do not seem compatible. What a terrible, awkward speech he gave her at her birthday. “Its been a wonderful year…um….I really look forward to the next year….and um…happy birthday.” I feel bad for Bass-Mouth in some ways but then I remember she spent like $2.5 million on her daughter’s fourth birthday party and then I don’t feel bad.

I wish Lisa Vanderpump were president. Or my neighbor. Or my therapist. I also love Adrienne and her fabulous sparkly heels! She was definitely not involved enough in this season.  And who the fuck likes raviolis with mushrooms and duck? I don’t blame Adrienne for not wanting any of that food. Maybe she had their limo stop at Burger King on the way home. I would have.  No, I’m lying. It would have been McDonald’s. Big Macs are so tasty after a night of drinking.

Kyle & Kim…the whole season built up to an argument between sisters??? SO DISAPPOINTING.
Days prior to the party, Kyle visits her psychic/medium who is not Allison Dubois. Evidently psychic/mediums are the “norm” in Beverly Hills.  Oh, by the way, how old is too old to wear those giant Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen bug sunglasses? Probably if you’re older than Mary Kate and Ashley…Kyle pay attention.

An even better question, why is Kyle carrying her mother’s ashes and a lock of her hair in her purse?  Yes, yes I know she brought them FOR the psychic but it just felt like she emptied some Cheezits out of a ziploc baggie and put a chunk of her dead mother’s hair in it.

Early in the episode, Kim went up a few points in my book because she’s wearing Converse All Stars, then minus one point for wearing white jeans. You’re too old, Kim…too old.  What is wrong with this family?

And now she’s back in the negative because she just entered the grown adult birthday party wearing a neck brace.  Ok it is a choker but a choker, like it’s 1993. Her dress does not require a necklace because it has one shoulder. I live in a shitty city in Massachusetts and shop at Old Navy and even I know that.  Oh and there’s a matching wristband!

She’s apparently drunk, maybe that’s why she’s dressed that way. She constantly looks like she has to pee. Not just this episode either, her face always looks pained like she’s standing in a line for the bathroom at a Jimmy Buffet concert.

Sisters fighting, pointing fingers in each others faces over and over again. THIS was the big finale?

“You better watch your step.”
“No you better watch YOUR step.”

“No YOU watch YOUR step.”

“I’ve been a great sister to you.”

“No, I’VE been a great sister to YOU".

“I’m the Mary!”

“No I’m the Mary!!”

Oh, that last one is from Romy & Michelle’s High School Reunion but it felt right.

Kyle, STOP PLAYING WITH YOUR FUCKING HAIR! It’s too long!!!!!!! You’re too old for that hair. Demi Moore is too.

Apparently Kim is an alcoholic so I now feel bad for making fun of her neck brace.  How sad was the shot Bravo used of her to tell her “where is she now” story was her sitting way deep in the limo alone crying?

All in all, I rate this season finale as exciting as a trip to the shitter when you don’t have a magazine and you have to read the back of the Tampon box. I blame Camille.

However, in absolutely tremendously wonderful news, Krazy Kiloren-Bensimmon is back with the New York Housewives (minus Bethenney) on February 15th!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DVR is the Best Invention EVER

I would never see any of my favorite shows if it weren't for DVR. I'm going to list the shows that I watch and will probably talk about and you're going to think "How the hell does she have time to watch all of these?"

The answer is my DVR, insomnia and the fact that my son sleeps from 7pm to 8am. 

It also helps that new seasons do not all begin at the same time!

Ones most likely to be discussed and re-capped:

The Real Housewives of ________ (fill in the blank) - I watch all of them! Currently Atlanta and Beverly Hills are coming to an end but the reunion shows are sure to be a shit show! Yipee!!!  The DC Housewives were awful but I feel like I'm going to miss something if I don't watch. Its like I'm back in high school and even if I was deathly ill I had to go to the Friday night football games and to the keg parties because if I didn't, I would miss a buttload of drama.

The Bad Girls Club - I actually didn't start watching this until about 6 months ago. I've caught reruns of the older seasons but have only been watching full seasons since the Miami one. So far the newest season is ok...we'll see the crazy develop and everyone will "pop off!!!" Already Bozo-haired girl has skanked it up and Dude-girl has managed to piss everyone off and we've only seen two episodes!

Teen Mom (& Teen Mom 2) - This is one of my favorites to talk about because I get so fired up and I can make fun of SO MUCH. I do feel bad for the babies but hopefully they'll get some money from their moms for exploiting them and I assume MTV will pay for their therapy.

Jersey Shore - "Cabs ah heeaah!!" Drunk orange people fighting and skanking it up by the sea? DING! DING! DING! What more could I ask for?

16 & Pregnant - The most recent season was BORING! I hope the next round of knocked up teens have studied up on what good reality TV should be...

Now these are the non-reality shows I watch:

True Blood
Big Love
The Walking Dead
Law & Order Special Victims Unit
Breaking Bad (although I'm only on season 2)
Medium (series finale is this Friday! Not happy)
The Office
Parks & Recreation

My First Blog

So, it took me like 3 hours to choose a damn title. I chose Aimless Small Potatoes because I expect this blog to contain random thoughts that really don't mean anything except entertainment (I hope).

I made the "adult content" just in case I swear...which tends to happen when I get mad or worked up...which tends to happen when I watch Teen Mom 2 and The Bad Girls Club.

Anyway - coming up with the name and choosing the design has taken me quite a while. Since my son is sleeping, I now need to catch up on Facebook and with my TV shows.

I hope you "follow" me and I can give you a source of entertainment on a (hopefully) daily basis.