Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Real Housewives of NYC (from 4/14)

Sonja has been asked to be the "grand marshall" of the gay marriage march. While she's getting ready, The Countess Manly LuAnn and Kelly come over.

Alex comes and for some reasson she looks baked and she's hunchbacked.

She is all about saying how she's on the host committee for this event (I'm pretty sure there are probably hundreds of people on this committee but Alex wants to feel special).

Sonja keeps saying over and over again that she is the grand marshall and that she's so happy they are there to support her. Alex is of course, upset that the focus is not on her but she claims that she's annoyed that she's there to support "the cause" not Sonja.  Both of them are irritating.

Simon is wearing a rainbow sequined jacket. Alex finds out that they are ONLY allowing Sonja to speak because she wanted it that way and now Simon can't speak. I mean, why wouldn't Simon speak at this event - he IS gay, right?

They are arguing during other people's speeches and they look ridiculous.

How is it that I like Kelly the best right now? How can that be? How bad is everyone else when I like Kelly over them????

Jill shows up and Alex of course snarks "Committee member - I'm glad you came!" Now Jill is yelling at Alex to leave her alone and stop picking on her. Alex gives her the look of death.

So far I'm embarrassed for everyone, Sonja's speech is terrible and no one really claps for her. There are only like 5 people wearing wedding dresses.

Cindy is hanging out with her brother Howie. Howie is dating Carol. Carol is the one who caught Ramona talking about her at the wedding. Carol was engaged to a friend of Ramona's but he passed away.

Now I understand the story. Carol gave her new boyfriend one of her dead fiance's cigars and that was offensive to Ramona for some reason.

Everyone comes to Alex & Simon's apartment in Brooklyn after the march.  Alex is downing champagne again.  She announces that she would like to hear what Simon was going to say at the march but couldn't. He babbles on about how he's lucky he met an Alexandra instead of an Alexander because then he couldn't have gotten his green card or become a US citizen. Either he's saying that he's actually gay and only married Alex to become a US citizen...or he isn't gay but still only married Alex to become a US citizen. This was his grand speech?

Sonja's boyfriend or non-boyfriend Brian is an artist. She's having an art party and will unveil a painting he did of her.  She's getting a sneak peek of it now and he has made her look like an old woman.

The Count LuAnn is meeting Sonja at lunch. They discuss Alex and drink champagne. I must say, Sonja looks great.

Ramona and Mario are at a charity event for Mr. Gucci and she invited Alex and Simon. She did not want to invite Kelly because she didn't want to be embarrassed by her craziness.

Ramona is putting the place cards at the table and Alex says to make sure she's not next to Sonja. It's like they are in 5th grade.

Outside Sonja arrives (I think she's already drunk) and she has brought Kelly with her. Kelly informs us that Mr. Gucci invited her himself. Of course Ramona is flipping out thinking that Sonja brought her there.

Apparently Kelly and Ramona haven't spoken since St. John when Kelly lost her shit last season. But no worries, Kelly can't stay for the dinner as usual - she has somewhere better to be.

Ramona and Sonja are talking about the situation at the march right at the table but I don't know if Alex and Simon can hear them.

It is the night of the art party at Sonja's house. Alex is wearing a hideous black studded dress.

Sonja brings up the issue immediately. She says that she doesn't want Simon in her ear like that again. Alex's jaw is dropped. Sonja said how she was nervous, just about to go and speak in front of all those people and Simon was right in her ear and it was horrible.

Alex: "Actually what was horrible is you hijacking the entire event making it about you instead of about marriage equality, that was horrible."

Sonja says that she was asked to speak and Alex was not. Alex keeps saying to look on the website because her name is there. Sonja tells her to leave and Alex is NOT done. She won't leave and she keeps saying the same thing over and over again. I'm so embarrassed.

Sonja tells her "You are like a TV that was left on!" She keeps telling her to leave because she has the worst manners and Alex just keeps going on and on and on and on. Finally Alex leaves in a studded hunched huff.

Alex calls Simon outside and says that Sonja has lost her mind. I can't help but laugh as she standing on the sidewalk in her studded dress with her awful posture on the phone talking about being kicked out of the party.

The unveiling of the painting that Brian did of Sonja...what a letdown. It isn't very good, she looks old and is sitting in an awful unladylike position. No one likes it but they all say it is beautiful. Of course.

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