Thursday, April 28, 2011

Survivor: Redemption Island "You Can't Stand the Truth" (from 4/27)

Back at camp after Tribal Council, Steve extends the olive branch to Phillip and explains that he's not a racist and he just thought he was crazy.

Phillip tells the camera (in interview) that he doesn't feel like it was "genuous". Making up words now, I guess.

Rob is smart - he says as long as Phillip keeps up with these antics, he's taking him with him to the finals - because who in their right mind would vote Phillip to win - unless he gets the sympathy vote and people think he could use a million dollars for some psychotherapy.

While it was funny that Julie hid Phillip's we have to watch him walk around in his saggy-pinkies.  Lucky for Phillip (and us) his great great grandfather came to him in a vision last night and told him he was going to find his shorts.  Julie had mentioned that she buried them under a rock so Phillip started digging under movable rocks. He found them. He starts trying to quote Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men but fails both times. "You can't stand the truth. You can't take the truth."

Mike, Julie and Jesus are on Raw Sewage Island. Jesus is depressed. He's crying while talking to the camera and saying that god wants him to be there. I hope he gets a visit from this guy and he tells him to "GIVE UP and go home! No one wants to hear you talk about me day in and day out. You're on a TV game show - I have nothing to do with this."

Upon arrival at the duel Jesus says that he's ready to go home. He will try in the challenge but he'll be ok with going home.

The duel is like shuffleboard. Jesus looks like he's giving up. Mike gets his first two "pucks" in the endzone so he's winning. Jesus catches up. Julie only has one.

Jesus gets three pucks in the endzone first so he's staying.  Then Mike gets three.  Julie is going home but will be part of the jury.  She says that she came on Survivor because her house is in foreclosure.  Maybe some Phillip hater will donate some money to her.

She mentions that it's been 28 days without brushing your teeth. What luxury item did she bring? I would have though toothbrush and paste would be the most popular luxury item.  I suppose they aren't eating sugar or anything but still...the film that must be on their teeth gives me the shivers.

Grant and Rob discuss possibly getting rid of Andrea before Steve and Hairy Ralph because she could still be in cahoots with Jesus.  While Grant is talking in interview he's wearing some weird looking girly sandals. At least they are covering his scary feet but I still can't get the image out of my head. His dreads are awesome but they aren't enough to make up for that black toenail.

Challenge time. Forget what I said about not having sugar. The prize in today's challenge is chocolate cake.

Grant wins and he gets to invite two people to eat with him - because this cake is enormous. I actually want to throw up just looking at it. He picks Rob (expected) and Andrea (apparently to make her feel like she might not be going home). They only have two minutes to eat as much as they can so it is pretty nasty.

The tribe has a mystery package from Jeff. They can't open it until Tribal Council.

Hairy Ralph is talking to Steve and not only can Steve not understand him but we can't either. And they aren't using many subtitles for him.

Steve approached two of the girls and asked them to vote along with him and Ralph and get rid of Rob. Personally, I think they are stupid if they don't get rid of Rob right now. He can win immunities and he's smart.

Voting time. Ralph is voted out. No big surprise there. Him and his hairy back are headed to Raw Sewage Island.

Steve gets to now open up the "twist" package. They are going to compete in an immunity challenge right away and then immediately vote out another member. What are they going to do at the Tribal Council area? Play Duck, Duck, Goose? There isn't a lot of room there.

Ok it's just a memory game. Rob wins immunity but Steve was SO close!  Now right into the next vote. Of course, Steve is the one to go. If someone doesn't get rid of Rob soon they deserve to lose.

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